Documentary and information support of library management activities


  • Tetiana Yavorska Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


documentation support; information support; library; library management


The article analyzes document and information support, which is one of the forms of management activity that is carried out in institutions, organizations of all forms of ownership, in particular, in libraries. Purpose: to study the problem of document and information support of library management at the present stage of development of society. The research methodology is to apply a systematic approach, to achieve the goal used general scientific methods of cognition, such as information, analysis, and generalization. The terminological method allowed to clarify the content of the basic concepts of the research topic. The scientific novelty lies in the systematization of information of documentary and information support of library management. Peculiarities of document and information support of library management activity are determined, the main types of management documents in the library are characterized; the legislative and normative-methodical regulation of the document-information support of the library management is analyzed. This allows you to form a sequence of practical activities related to effective library management by providing the management structures of the library with a system of appropriate documentation. Conclusions. An important tool for influencing the process and result of management activities is the organization of document and information support for the management activities of the library. The main types of administrative documents in the library are characterized, such as regulatory and legal documents, instructional and methodical materials. According to the above, we can conclude that an important tool for influencing the process and results of management is the organization of documentary and information support of library management. It was determined that with the help of such documents, the processes of systematization of management information and control over the implementation of management decisions take place, the forms, and terms of storage of documented information are determined, which significantly affects the efficiency of library management.

Author Biography

Tetiana Yavorska , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

Pedagogical Sciences Candidate Senior lecturer of the Department of Management Information Systems


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How to Cite

Яворська , Т.М. 2023. Documentary and information support of library management activities. Theoretical and applied aspects of information, library and archive matters. (Sep. 2023), 64-71.


