System analysis of the influence of information support indicators on universities on their information culture


  • Yuriy Palekha National Transport University
  • Volodymyr Sadovenko National Transport University


higher education institution; element of the system; information support and technologies; information culture; statistical analysis of data; correlation; data science; big data


Today, it is almost impossible to find an organization that does not depend on the information market and does not require the use of the latest information technologies. This significantly changes the idea of organizing the activities of a modern institution, puts forward new requirements for its activities, among which the development of information culture becomes crucial. Therefore, there is a need to understand the information culture of the educational institution, as an example of the university, as part of its corporate culture and as the most important indicator of the information society, and also the formation of a new type of relationship between human and the environment. The purpose of the work is a systematic analysis of data on the information support of higher education institutions and the establishment of a correlation with the level of their information culture. The research method is a systematic analysis of information technological processes of higher education institution activities. The methodology of systems analysis is based on an approach built on solving specific problems of joint study of the properties of the system with the properties of the elements and vice versa. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the application of scientific and methodological principles of systems analytics to determine the relationships between indicators on information technologies (on alternative grounds) in higher education and its information culture, which is a continuation of scientific research in the field of information culture. Conclusions. Systematic analysis of information technologies based on the scientific and methodological principle of data mining offers a qualitatively new way to implement the main functions and objectives of the study, it establishes the sequence of its conduction, determines the impact of information support of scientific and educational activities of higher education institution on its information culture (as a whole) and its units (as subsystems, elements).

Author Biographies

Yuriy Palekha , National Transport University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Information and Analytical Activities and Information Security

Volodymyr Sadovenko , National Transport University

Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor of the Department of Information and Analytical Activities and Information Security


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How to Cite

Палеха , Ю.І. and Садовенко , В.С. 2023. System analysis of the influence of information support indicators on universities on their information culture. Theoretical and applied aspects of information, library and archive matters. (Sep. 2023), 39-48.


