The concept of improving the modern educational process in higher education institutions


  • Valeriia Vasylenko Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


information support; higher education institution; information and communication technologies of the educational process; Microsoft Office 365 Enterprise Portal


The aim of the present article is to present mechanisms to increase the efficiency of information support processes in the free economic zone through the introduction of modern information and communication technologies for the implementation of educational functions. The methodology of the research is based on the general scientific and special methods of cognition such us analysis, synthesis, logical method, monitoring and the method of visualization of the research results. The scientific novelty. The peculiarities of realization of information activity within the framework of providing educational services with the possibility of satisfying information needs of higher education seekers are determined. Mechanisms for improving the efficiency of information support processes in the university due to the introduction of modern information and communication technologies for the implementation of educational functions are presented, namely: mechanism for improving the skills of scientific and pedagogical and teaching and support staff; mechanism for introducing full-time and distance learning; information quality control mechanism. Conclusions. A typical Microsoft Office 365 functional package is considered. The concept of improving the educational process of higher education institutions has been developed. The concept is based on three mechanisms: professional development of scientific and pedagogical and teaching and support staff, the mechanism of full-time and distance learning and quality control of information support. In the process of implementing the concept, the introduction of a distance education platform and its integration with the existing educational information system of the university is proposed.

Author Biography

Valeriia Vasylenko , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

PhD in Social Communication, Senior Lecturer of the department of management information systems


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How to Cite

Василенко , В.Ю. 2023. The concept of improving the modern educational process in higher education institutions. Theoretical and applied aspects of information, library and archive matters. (Sep. 2023), 14-22.


