Identification of trends and implemented practices for the prevention of academic dishonesty during the training of students in the first and second educational levels in the specialty 029 Information, library and archival affairs
quality of education, academic integrity, plagiarism, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Odesa Polytechnic National University, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National UniversityAbstract
Relevance of research. With the modern development of information technology and the availability of resources, the problem of academic dishonesty is becoming increasingly relevant. The study of trends and best practices in the field of preventing academic dishonesty can become the basis for the development of new curricula and recommendations for teachers, which will help improve the quality of the educational process and build trust in the higher education system. The article is important for researching current challenges in education and developing effective strategies to ensure high ethical standards in the education and professional activities of future professionals in the field of information, library and archival science. The purpose of the article is to study academic integrity as an element of the higher education quality assurance system and the ethics of academic relations, in particular, to identify trends and implemented practices to prevent academic dishonesty during the training of students of the first and second educational levels in the specialty 029 Information, Library and Archival Affairs at Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University, Odesa Polytechnic National University, and Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Research methodology. The methodological basis of the research was formed by general scientific and special methods of studying the issues, including analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, generalisation and abstraction, review, analytical, and classification methods, as well as description and comparison, which allowed to achieve the goal. The combination of these methods made it possible to identify trends and implemented practices to prevent students’ academic dishonesty during the education. 82 The scientific novelty of the work lies in the generalisation of the main approaches to the problem of preventing academic dishonesty and the outlining of a system of measures aimed at ensuring the possibility of implementing an effective academic integrity policy. The authors state that the analysed higher education institutions have created and legitimised a regulatory framework that describes at the systemic level the mechanisms for implementing the principles of academic integrity in the research and educational processes, measures to ensure compliance with the principles of academic integrity, procedures for preventing and combating violations of the principles of academic integrity. Structural units have been created to promote the principles of academic integrity and their implementation in educational and research activities. In addition, tools have been developed to implement the principles of academic integrity in the university’s educational and research activities. They perform an educational function and with their help it becomes possible to prevent cases of violation of the principles of academic integrity, as well as tools for monitoring compliance with academic integrity in the educational and research activities of a higher education institution. The conclusion. The study has shown that the average uniqueness rate of graduation qualification works of students at the first (bachelor’s) level of education in the specialty 029 Information, Library and Archival Affairs in the analysed HEIs is 82 %, and at the second (master’s) level – 93 %. The authors have identified a set of measures to ensure the implementation of an effective academic integrity policy.
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