Research of the components of special documentary science
research areas of special document studies, documentation systems, special types of documentsAbstract
Relevance of research. Despite the heated debate among Ukrainian academics of document studies about the components of special document studies, the clarification of its modern status as an integral component of the general science of documents acquires extraordinary importance. The purpose of the work is to consider the current state of research by scientists of the components of special document studies, to develop its structure and to determine the system of directions for further investigations. The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific methods of cognition, in particular analysis and synthesis, as well as systemic and communicative approaches. The scientific novelty consists in updating the problematic issues of special document studies, summarizing the researches and interpretations of leading Ukrainian specialists regarding the areas of its study, the application of interdisciplinary, problem-oriented forms of research activity and the involvement of the achievements of information sciences in the arsenal of practices of working with documents and the presentation of the author’s vision of building its general model. The сonclusions. Special documentation studies is proposed to be considered as a synthesis of related disciplines, which in one way or another investigate various types of special documentation systems, including administrative, industry, and regulatory, as well as types of special documents based on the main forms of information recording, the material medium of information, and their genre characteristics. From the mechanical processing of empirical information about special documentation systems and special documents to their generalizations, this is the way to integrate special documentation systems and special types of documents for the perfect organization of their functioning and further solving research tasks aimed at a multifaceted description of the object of study.
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