Use of modern teaching tools in higher education institutions: problems and possible solutions
digitization, institutions of higher education, information provision, digital technologies, distance learningAbstract
Relevance of research. Digitization of education is the introduction of modern information and communication technologies into the educational process at all levels, aimed at the development of 21st century skills in young people (in particular, the analysis of the reliability of received information, the application of critical thinking), the maximum use of multimedia content for various educational purposes, which intensifies the educational process due to the use of interactive teaching methods. Therefore, education and science systems must undergo fundamental digital changes and adapt to global trends in digital development to successfully realize their potential. There is a need to acquire a high level of digital competences and master the latest technologies to ensure higher quality education. The purpose – to determine the current state of digitization of higher education in Ukraine in view of global trends and problems that affect this process and to present the key problems and possibilities of using digital technologies in the educational activities of a higher education institution. Research methodology is based on the general scientific and special methods of cognition such us analysis, synthesis, logical method, monitoring and the method of visualization of the research results. The scientific novelty. Identified problems and possible solutions is a comprehensive analysis of the use of modern technologies in higher education, which covers both technical and pedagogical aspects. Issues and challenges faced by teachers and students are explored and innovative solutions are proposed based on an integrative approach that includes quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. This allows not only to identify and classify existing difficulties, but also to develop practical recommendations for overcoming them, contributing to the improvement of the effectiveness of the educational process. The conclusions. Digital tools have made learning more flexible, personalized and effective, which is especially important in distance education. They facilitate real-time interaction between teachers and students, expand the functionality of the platforms, but require increased attention to security issues and the combined efforts of various specialists to optimize the educational process.
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