General scientific and sociocommunication methodology of studying documentary and informational resources


  • Lesia Kovalska Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


document and information resource; document studies; general scientific methods; general historical methods; methods of socio-communication theory


The article proposes and updates the applied aspects of the methodological scheme of document and information resource research. It is emphasized that the scientific-methodological understanding of the set of documents of a specific study is conceptual, with a generalized worldview, using the developments of the philosophy of history, which covers ontological issues of the historical process, as well as epistemological and logical-methodological problems of science. Documentary research of the problem is based on documentary sources that store information about the past and provide an opportunity to see events and processes, to understand information transmitted in space and time. The purpose of the work is the theoretical substantiation of the mechanisms of the introduction of general scientific, general historical, special socio-communication methods and the creation of a construct of a socio-communication information and analytical model for the study of document resources. Research methodology involves the use of methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific works from document studies, source studies, archival studies, social communications; the terminological method made it possible to reveal specific subject terms and definition of methodology concepts. The descriptive method made it possible to demonstrate the features of general scientific and socio-communication methods. The scientific novelty of the work consists in establishing the specificity of the methodological construct in working with documentary and informational resources of a specific documentary research. The practical implementation of the theoretical-methodological model of the study of document and information resources allows to identify the main components of the analysis for the purpose of establishing their socio-historical informativeness. This allows you to form a sequence of practical work with documentary and informational resources, which involves identifying documentary resources; monitoring and systematization; description / external criticism and attribution; internal criticism (informativeness); synthetic criticism; interpretation of the received data. The conclusions confirm the importance of intelligence and reveal the need for the formation of a complex of general scientific methods, general historical and special socio-communication methods in each specific scientific search. The proposed information-analytical model of application of methods of studying documentary information sources allows to build a sequence of application of methods of working with documentary and information resources.

Author Biography

Lesia Kovalska , Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management Information Systems


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How to Cite

Ковальська , Л.А. 2023. General scientific and sociocommunication methodology of studying documentary and informational resources. Theoretical and applied aspects of information, library and archive matters. (Sep. 2023), 22-30.


