Distance work of the library of a higher education institution


  • Valentyna Bilous Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University


COVID-19 pandemic; information and library service; electronic resources; digital technologies; remote service; Vinnytsia Pedagogical University library


Relevance of research. The proposed article formulates the importance of information and library services in different scenarios of uncertainty. The issue of introduction of innovative library services on the demand of time is singled out. The problem of information support of library users in different dimensions – online and offline has been studied. The ability of the school library to work in a flexible mode has been confirmed. The necessity of digitization of library resources and services is substantiated. Emphasis is placed on remote service of remote library users. The aim of the study is to analyze the activities of libraries of educational institutions, including universities, and the peculiarities of their work in the quarantine restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. A number of publications on the remote operation of libraries in international scientometric databases (WoS and Scopus) were analyzed. A study of foreign experience shows that university libraries intend to turn their services into digital to ensure quality service. Research methodology. General scientific methods were used to write the article and process the material, in particular: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. The world and domestic experience of work of libraries of educational institutions is generalized, readiness to use the remote form of work of libraries is defined. The experience of the Vinnytsia Pedagogical University library on remote work is reflected. Scientific novelty. Criteria and indicators of efficiency of introduction of innovative forms of work of library are defined. Conclusions. As a result of this study, the effectiveness of the use of remote form of work is proved. Innovative library services were further developed, interactive projects and online events were introduced. The role and significance of remote work of the university library are established.

Author Biography

Valentyna Bilous , Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University

director of the library


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How to Cite

Білоус , В.С. 2023. Distance work of the library of a higher education institution. Theoretical and applied aspects of information, library and archive matters. (Sep. 2023), 5-14.


